Linear Regression Analysis

Business Understanding

Develop a pricing algorithm to help set a target price for new LEGO sets that are released to market. The goal is to save the company some time and to help ensure consistency in pricing between new products and past products.

The main purpose of this algorithm is predictive, meaning that the model should be able to take in attributes of a LEGO set that does not yet have a set price, and to predict a good price.

The secondary purpose of this algorithm is inferential, meaning that the model should be able to tell us something about the relationship between the attributes of a LEGO set and its price.

Data Understanding

The dataset contains over 700 LEGO sets released in the past, including attributes of those sets as well as their prices. The files have already been split into train and test sets.

train = pd.read_csv("data/lego_train.csv")
test = pd.read_csv("data/lego_test.csv")

X_train = train.drop("list_price", axis=1)
y_train = train["list_price"]

X_test = test.drop("list_price", axis=1)
y_test = test["list_price"]


Baseline Model

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

baseline_model = LinearRegression()

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate, ShuffleSplit

# Perform 3 separate train-test splits within the X_train and y_train sets
splitter = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=3, test_size=0.25, random_state=0)

# Find the train and test scores for each
baseline_scores = cross_validate(

print("Train score:     ", baseline_scores["train_score"].mean())
# Train score:      0.7785726407224942

print("Validation score:", baseline_scores["test_score"].mean())
# Validation score: 0.7793473618106956

Build a Model with All Numeric Features

Numeric Feature Selection

Create a dataframe X_train_numeric that is a copy of X_train that only contains numeric columns.

X_train_numeric = X_train.select_dtypes("number").copy()
X_train_second_model = X_train_numeric.drop(["prod_id", "num_reviews", "star_rating"], axis=1).copy()

second_model = LinearRegression()

second_model_scores = cross_validate(

print("Current Model")
print("Train score:     ", second_model_scores["train_score"].mean())
print("Validation score:", second_model_scores["test_score"].mean())

# Current Model
# Train score:      0.7884552982196166
# Validation score: 0.755820363666055

print("Baseline Model")
print("Train score:     ", baseline_scores["train_score"].mean())
print("Validation score:", baseline_scores["test_score"].mean())

# Current Model
# Train score:      0.7884552982196166
# Validation score: 0.755820363666055

Selecting Features Based on p-values

In the previous model, both piece_count and min_age had p-values less then 0.05. This model is built using just those two features.

significant_features = ["piece_count", "min_age"]

third_model = LinearRegression()
X_train_third_model = X_train[significant_features]

third_model_scores = cross_validate(

print("Current Model")
print("Train score:     ", third_model_scores["train_score"].mean())
print("Validation score:", third_model_scores["test_score"].mean())
# Train score:      0.7869252233899845
# Validation score: 0.7638761794341223

print("Second Model")
print("Train score:     ", second_model_scores["train_score"].mean())
print("Validation score:", second_model_scores["test_score"].mean())
# Train score:      0.7884552982196166
# Validation score: 0.755820363666055

print("Baseline Model")
print("Train score:     ", baseline_scores["train_score"].mean())
print("Validation score:", baseline_scores["test_score"].mean())
# Train score:      0.7785726407224942
# Validation score: 0.7793473618106956

Selecting Features with sklearn.feature_selection

This model uses RFECV (documentation here). “RFE” stands for “recursive feature elimination”, meaning that it repeatedly scores the model, finds and removes the feature with the lowest “importance”, then scores the model again. If the new score is better than the previous score, it continues removing features until the minimum is reached. “CV” stands for “cross validation” here, and we can use the same splitter we have been using to test our data so far.

from sklearn.feature_selection import RFECV
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

# Importances are based on coefficient magnitude, so
# we need to scale the data to normalize the coefficients
X_train_for_RFECV = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X_train_second_model)

model_for_RFECV = LinearRegression()

# Instantiate and fit the selector
selector = RFECV(model_for_RFECV, cv=splitter), y_train)

Build and Evaluate a Final Predictive Model

Create a list best_features which contains the names of the best model features based on the findings of the previous step:

best_features = ["piece_count", "max_age", "difficulty_level"]
X_train_final = X_train[best_features]
X_test_final = X_test[best_features]

final_model = LinearRegression()

# Fit the model on X_train_final and y_train, y_train)

# Score the model on X_test_final and y_test
# (use the built-in .score method)
final_model.score(X_test_final, y_test)
# 0.6542913715071492

from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

mean_squared_error(y_test, final_model.predict(X_test_final), squared=False)
# 47.403687974333

Attribution: The Flatiron School